Define the Scope, Save your Project
How many times have you thought something was obvious, only to find out it wasn’t so clear for your client?
Presenting your business performance not only at the project profitability level but across your entire business.
Do you know the difference? Do you understand why these terms are crucial for every freelancer?
Estimations are the beginning of every exciting adventure, which (and here's the WARNING!) usually ends in failure. Disappointed?! That's just the reality.
Your clients don’t like issues with their project; they would rather not hear about them. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t speak up.
Always specify the exact day and time by which the client will receive the task. This will build your credibility, and the client will remember this situation as a positive experience! Give yourself a buffer and deliver on the declared deadline!
How many times has your dream project, which you’ve already celebrated with friends before even starting, turned into a never-ending story with a very bitter ending?
This simple flow will help you recognize and assess where your task is and at what stage it is located. All it takes is a bit of systematics and consistency. In our opinion, it’s a matter of developing a habit.
What Are "Skills" in Estimations? When creating your project estimation in Esteamate, you'll need to fill in the "Skills'' section.
Freelancers often overlook the time spent on fixed-price projects, focusing solely on earnings. Esteamate is here to transform that - we want freelancers to get a totally new outlook on what it means to earn money!
Project requirements, or as they call it, the briefing, is something that acts as a bridge between your world as freelancers and the world of your clients.
Haven’t had the chance to check out the first app designed exclusively for freelancers yet?
Establishing hourly rate: how to do that properly? Setting your hourly rate as a freelancer is one of the biggest challenges you'll face. Here's how to nail it accurately!