From skills to tags. Streamline your expertise through the project.
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Kaja Jankowska
Tue Oct 29 2024
From Skills to Tags. Streamline your expertise through the project.
What are "Skills" in Estimations?
When creating your project estimation in Esteamate, you'll need to fill in the "Skills'' section. This is where you list all the expertise required to drive the project. For example, for a project like "preparing a website," you might include skills like UX design, UI design, and Development as Frontend or Backend.
Think carefully about the project; consider what stages it will consist of and what will happen step by step. If you are simply involving other freelancers, make sure to clarify their rates. Remember that ESTEAMATE supports collaborative project work, but you are the administrators, and by inviting others, you decide what they can see and what access they will have ;)
Skills to Tags
When you create a Kanban Table from your estimation, these Skills will automatically convert into Tags. Tags help you track the time spent on specific activities during a task. Customize your tags by creating new ones based on your needs to get detailed insights in your Reports, showing exactly where your time goes.
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